We all experience technology problems, glitches, bugs, and errors occasionally. Being able to contact your friendly local IT support partner is great, but many wonder, "Are there things that I can try quickly to troubleshoot on my own and get things back up and running?" If you're the sort of person/organization that likes to do some preliminary troubleshooting when you experience a tech problem, this session is for you. We'll share some of the most common and effective troubleshooting steps that you can take, whether it be hardware, software, or cloud-based technology.
Join us for this informative session by our very own Michael Taye from our Help Desk!
Presenter: Michael Taye, Help Desk Manager, Brave North Technology
Unable to make the live event? No problem. The webinar will be recorded and is posted immediately (within 5 minutes) after the event finishes. Just go to the event page (https://crowdcast.io/c/bntpresents-tech-troubleshooting-tips) and click "Watch Replay."