Our next Live Learning session is Cyber Threats & Security Awareness in 2023. It’s on Thurs, Sep 7 at 11am.
We’ll cover what you need to know to be on guard against common cybersecurity attacks and vulnerabilities, including…
What are some of the most common threats that we should be concerned about?
What are some of the new/upcoming threats in 2023 and beyond?
How can we identify and dodge attempted attacks?
Besides dodging the attack, is there anything I can do to fight back?
We encourage you to share this invitation with your entire staff. Many orgs use these sessions as their official routine annual/bi-annual security awareness staff training.
Check out more details (and register while you’re at it) by clicking the button below.
Unable to make the live event? No problem. The webinar will be recorded and is posted immediately (within 5 minutes) after the event finishes. Just go to the event page (https://www.crowdcast.io/c/bntpresents-cyber-threats-security-awareness-2023) and click "Watch Replay."
As always, any questions can be sent to training@bravenorthtech.com.