Our next Live Learning session is Technology for Remote & Hybrid Workplaces. It’s on Tues, Nov 28 at 11am.
We’ll cover various ways that technology can help colleagues work well together when they are geographically distributed, and when the best solution is a non-technical one. This webinar will also touch on considerations for digital security, technical support, and equipment provision & maintenance. The learning goals are as follows:
Name some of the key ways technology needs differ between fully on-premise teams and hybrid or remote teams.
Gain a basic familiarity with how productivity tools support asynchronous and remote collaboration.
Consider ways to adjust and update technology policies and practices for a distributed team.
We encourage you to share this invitation with your entire staff. Many orgs use these sessions as their official routine annual/bi-annual security awareness staff training.
Check out more details (and register while you’re at it) by clicking the button below.
Unable to make the live event? No problem. The webinar will be recorded and is posted immediately (within 5 minutes) after the event finishes. Just go to the event page (https://www.crowdcast.io/c/bntpresents-technology-for-remote-hybrid-workplaces) and click "Watch Replay."
As always, any questions can be sent to training@bravenorthtech.com.